Nearly every cult ,religion, political belief, way of understanding life etc. has an element of truth about it and a religion based on the Bible will always have at its core an interpretation problem. It boils down to maybe this interpretation is right or maybe that interpretation is correct sometimes we can't always be confident in what we believe there are too many unknowns.
My Dad often said to me religion is ok but don't take it too seriously I found that out for myself eventually. Maybe the attraction of the Watchtower religion is that one has a kind of insurance policy against dying forever and like all insurance policys you need to look at the small print especially where it says terms and conditions . I would also consider the qualifications,the statements and the credibility of those issuing the written promises from the men in Brooklyn.
Instead of following a group of men who followed a group of men who followed a group men and so on from way back and got nowhere maybe we should follow the second greatest commandment that Jesus gave to us the one where he says love your neighbour as yourself.
1 John 3 :18 let us not love in word, neither with the tongue, but in deed and in truth.
Works of mercy are; Spiritual Works of mercy are;
Feed the hungry. Admonish the sinner.
Give drink to the thirsty Instruct the ignorant.
Clothe the naked. Council the doubtful.
Visit the imprisoned. Comfort the sorrowful.
Shelter the homeless. Bear wrongs patiently.
Visit the sick. Forgive all injuries.
Bury the dead. Pray for the living and the dead.